American Water Buffalo Association
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Membership Area: Research and Development , Newsletters
Research and Development and Future Newsletters areas are now closed - Members Only.
We hope to have the convenience of Paypal or Visa payments for membership soon.
Memberships are being accepted (via snail mail) and the Association is officially - Reopened !
Upcoming Events:
Reworking Site -
Buffalo in the News:
12th International Buffalo Congress - 2019 - Istanbul, Turkey
SEPTEMBER 18-20, 2019
International Buffalo Federation Newsletters
Turkey’s water buffalo population sees sharp drop
Creamery, meat farm looks to double water buffalo herd
Salisbury farm tackles water buffalo milk cheeses
Buffalo Bulletin Vol.35 No.2 (June 2016) is available at
Video Clip of Raising Buffalo in New Jersey --
Buffalo Bulletin Vol.35 No.2 (June 2016) is available at
10/21/2015 -- Water Buffalo Become Newest Tenants
at Disney's Animal Kingdom
Asian Buffalo Magazine, July to Dec 2015 issue Vol 9 No 2 - Magazine
News Snippets!
Illinois just approved water buffalo milk for sale -12/30/14
Buy Buffalo Milk - shipped through out the USA - ! -
Proteina" Presentation -- Originally
in Portuguese
From Alcides de Amorim Ramos (9/12/2014)
Buffalo -- The Light Protein Solution for the 3rd Millennium.
A high proportion of premature adult deaths (35%) can be
attributed to cardiovascular illnesses and diabetes.
Buffalo food products aid in the prevention of degenerative
illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, free radicals, obesity, etc.
The concept of good nutrition has been forgotten.
Hippocraties said
2-1/2 thousand years ago that 90% of human illnesses "come from the mouth"; that's still true today.
When cooking buffalo meat, always apply high heat first to force a
contraction of the channels and avoid dehydration.
After this heat can be reduced to
continue cooking. Do not apply salt
just prior to cooking as this pulls out juices and dehydrates the meat.
Either salt buffalo well in advance of cooking to let it
absorb properly (which helps meat reabsorb moisture) or season the meat
after cooking.
The biggest mistake made in education today is that teachers do
not teach human nutrition to students. "In
the truth, we learn to better feed our pigs
than our children."
After the nuclear accident in Chernobyl, in the old Soviet Union,
buffalo milk was the food that more quickly eliminated radioactivity residues, as so is considered a strategic food in the case of nuclear
Cooperbúfalo. Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
A cooperative effort to organize the production chain of the water
buffalo industry, working in production,
transport, storage, processing and marketing of buffalo products and associated
Water buffaloes -- Good for the pocket (economical), good for the
heart (health), good for the planet (environment).
Want to Learn More? Check out this link -
Past Newsletters
AWBA Newsletter November 2013
Membership/Newsletters/IBF 12- 2014.pdf
11th World Buffalo Congress - Columbia - 2016 - Cartagena, Colombia 11/2016
8th Buffalo Symposium of Americas and Europe's - Guatemala - Nov. 18-20, 2015
Asian Water Buffalo Congress -- Istanbul, Turkey - April 21-25, 2015
VII Symposium of the Europe and Americas - San Jose, Costa Rica - May 5-6, 2014
IBF - Training Course On Buffalo Management and Industry - Latina, Italy - June 16-27, 2014
Dr. Hugh Popenoe - founder AWBA - President and Buffalo Aficionado - September 21, 2011
Craig Raminini founder of: passed away - 1/30/2015
“He was interested in water buffalo because they had the ability to do so many things,” his daughter said. “They are draft animals and they are dairy animals … true mozzarella cheese is made from milk from water buffalo.”
He was subsequently recruited by the University of Florida to help establish a new College of Veterinary Medicine in Gainesville, and he was the first dean of student and public services.
There, Dr. Cripe continued his research on water buffalo. Along with Drs. Maarten Drost and Joe Wright, Dr. Cripe successfully performed the first water buffalo embryo transfer in 1982.
Important Message to All Raw Milk Producers and Consumers:
"The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) protects your right to provide and obtain raw milk. All raw milk producers should be members of the FTCLDF and we strongly encourage all raw milk consumers to help protect their access to raw milk by becoming consumer members as well."
The 10th World Buffalo Congress /
The 7th Asian Buffalo Congress
was held in Phuket, Thailand during 6-8 May, 2013.
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Copyright © 2022 American Water Buffalo Association. Last modified: 03/09/2022