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Water Buffalo - MILK
Nothing like a tall cool glass of Buffalo Milk - ! - And if you have ever had it in your coffee - you'll never go back to cream.... the Power of Buffalo Milk!
Here we have some basic qualitites of Buffalo Milk - for more detailed information - please consider becoming a Member !
Low in Cholesterol !
Constituents |
Cow |
Goat |
Sheep |
Buffalo |
Protein |
grm |
3.2 |
3.1 |
5.4 |
4.5 |
Fat |
grm |
3.9 |
3.5 |
6.0 |
8.0 |
Carbohydrate |
grm |
4.8 |
4.4 |
5.1 |
4.9 |
Energy |
cal K
J |
66 275 |
60 253 |
95 396 |
110 463 |
(Lactose) |
grm |
4.8 |
4.4 |
5.1 |
4.9 |
Acids- Saturated Monounsaturated Polyunsaturated |
grm grm grm |
2.4 1.1 0.1 |
2.3 0.8 0.1 |
3.8 1.5 0.3 |
4.2 1.7 0.2 |
Cholesterol |
mg |
14 |
10 |
11 |
8 |
Calcium |
iu |
120 |
100 |
170 |
195 |
As you can see from the chart, buffalo milk has 58% more calcium, 40% more protein, and 43% less cholesterol than cow's milk.
Buffalo milk is very white and
beautifully smooth. It is significantly lower in cholesterol and higher in
calcium than cows, sheep or goats milks. And unlike the array of industrially
produced soya and other cereal milks it is totally free of additives and
chemical formulations.
In addition to the significant cholesterol and calcium benefits Buffalo Milk is also a rich source of iron, phosphorus, vitamin A and of course protein.
Buffalo Milk also contains high levels
of the natural antioxidant tocopherol. Peroxidate activity is normally
2-4 times that of cows milk.
An unfortunate sign of the times is the
growing number of people who suffer from cows milk allergy (cma).
Fortunately this is not the case with Buffalo Milk which is suitable for many
suffers from cma*.
The high milk solids of Buffalo Milk not
only make it ideal for processing into superb dairy products but also contribute
to significant energy savings in conducting that process. Yogurts are
natural thick set without recourse to adding addition milk proteins or gelling
agents as with lesser milks.
Unlike the modern dairy cow the buffalo can
thrive without the need to use high levels of concentrated feed. Grass,
clover and straw make up the bulk of a buffaloes diet. No bone meals, fish
meals or genetically modified feeds are ever fed to our buffalo.
And for those concerned about BSE; buffalo
are a genetically pure species with no BSE or scrapie.
Dairies love to work with Buffalo Milk, which we all know makes the best mozzarella. The smooth texture and richness converts into a truly wonderful range of multiple award winning products. And for vegetarians who are denied the opportunity to enjoy Italian buffalo mozzarella (which uses animal rennet)
Asia and south east Europe - South America to Canada - from lush tropics to the
harsh conditions of Nepal, the placid, eco-conscious buffalo provides milk, meat
and draught power to many million families.
by genetic manipulation the Buffalo, unlike the modern cow, can still thrive
without the excessive need for antibiotics and high protein feeds
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Copyright © 2022 American Water Buffalo Association. Last modified: 02/19/2019